So if you've been keeping up with the blog, you now know how to train and eat to gain muscle, what supplements are worth it, and how to make efficient progress. All these components put together will put you on a path to success. Train with adequate, volume, intensity, and frequency. Eat well, put in the effort, stay consistent, and don't forget to always be evaluating your progress. Think critically about what you are doing and how you can make adjustments along the way.
In the first blog we talked about the concept of being evidence based. Being evidence based is rooted in following scientific guidelines of training principles. Now this doesn't mean taking everything that is said from a professional in the evidence based fitness industry as gospel. Consider taking multiple perspectives into account and evaluate these beliefs.
Even experts opinions change throughout time. No one is completely infallible, experts learn new things and adjust their opinions based off new knowledge and insights. You should do this too. That is part of being evidence based. Science is about questioning, evaluating, and pursuing knowledge. If you want to be the best you can be and learn the most you possibly can about training or anything for that matter, stay curious and continue to question. Iron Culture Podcast is among my favorites and they do a great job of discussing deeper things beyond the surface level of training. This episode contains a great discussion about critical thinking and training.
I've learned many things over the years about training and I've made plenty of changes to the way I've done things. I've changed my mind on a number of things about training the more I learn, and you will too if you continue to seek knowledge and evaluate yourself. Introspection leads to progression. You shouldn't be afraid to be wrong or ashamed of mistakes you've made because that's just a part of the process in the iron game.
That being said, having all the scientific knowledge alone on bodybuilding won't get you automatically jacked. Regardless of what you know, you still have to put in the work. Effort and consistency are key to progress and longevity. It doesn't matter how much you know about volume, intensity, frequency, exercise selection, and progression methods if you can't put those concepts into action with solid and consistent effort.
That's why you see plenty of people with solid physiques who maybe don't train in the smartest way. They still have made good progress because they work hard and they don't quit. Could they make better progress with more intelligent training and planning, yeah probably, but the point is that they put in the work. Effort and consistency is extremely important and should never be underestimated.
I hope you've learned some valuable information over the course of this blog. I wish all of you the best of luck in your training pursuits. If you are new to lifting, I hope it brings you the same level of happiness and self-fulfillment that it does for me. If you're more of a veteran, keep up the hard work and keep chipping away at those gains. Thanks for following, stay evidence based, train smart, and work hard.